Coach John RudyCoach John Rudy's joined the Cincy Crush coaching staff in 2018 after having accumulated 30 years of playing, and 8 years of coaching volleyball.
Coach John started his volleyball career playing for the University of Cincinnati Men's Club Team (MIVA) from 1990 - 1995; post graduation John played an additional 5 years of hardcourt for Team Catz and Team Sports Express (USVBA/USAV) before migrating to beach doubles exclusively. While he no longer plays competitively in tournaments Coach John can still be found on the local sand courts getting pick up games of doubles in. Coach John's coaching philosophy stresses the importance of team ball control, every player understanding/embracing their role, and players developing strong VBIQ. VOLLEYBALL COACHING EXPERIENCE: 2015 -2017 Loveland Youth Volleyball Org 7/8 Grade Teams 1994 Thomas More College – 100% Unpaid volunteer assistant for Head Coach Darrel MacLean and Asst. Todd Kress 1994 -1995 Roger Bacon Boy Varsity Head Coach, Roger Bacon Girls Freshman Head Coach, Girls Varsity Assistant 1992-1993 Deer Park Girls 7th Grade Head Coach VOLLEYBALL PLAYING EXPERIENCE University of Cincinnati Men’s Club Volleyball Team –Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association (MIVA) 1991 - 1995 4 Year Starter - Middle Hitter/Blocker, Team Captain Coached by: Janet Jaeger, Todd Kress (Current Head Coach Fairfield) Heather Mason (Current Asst. AD at Univ. of Tenn.), Phil Nickel (Current Asst. Coach Univ. of Houston) USAV - OVR Men’s 1996 - 2002 Men’s Open and AA; Middle Hitter/Blocker and Right Side Team Sports Express Beach Doubles – Men’s Open and AA 1990 -2013 Hundreds of tournaments. Cuervo Challenge, East Coast Volleyball, Midwest Professional Volleyball Association, Ohio Valley Tour, All Ohio Tour, AVP Exhibition, AVP Next |