We have been in frequent communication with the Clermont County Board of Health and the following protocol will be followed for open Gyms and Tryouts in order to keep your kids safe during the COVID-19 pamndemic.
· We expect all athletes to have been practicing proper health habits prior to entering the facility
· Athletes must come dressed ready to play and may only bring a water bottle into the facility. Equipment (volleyball shoes, knee pads) must be put on once players arrive at their assigned court.
· In accordance with the state-mandated order, it is mandatory that all coaches and athletes wear a mask when entering and exiting the building.
· We will have mandatory temperature checks for every athlete and coach that enters the facility.
· Any athlete or coach with a temperature of 100 degrees or more will not be permitted in the facility. We kindly ask parents to keep their child at home so we do not have to send any athlete away at the door.
· Athletes are asked to arrive no more than 15 minutes early for open gyms and practices and must be dropped off in the front of the facility.
· For tryouts, parents and athletes are encouraged to download the paperwork and complete prior to arrival to help the registration process go smoothly while we maintain social distancing.
· When arriving at the club, one door will be an ENTRANCE and another door will be an EXIT. Please follow the signs.
· We will have a staff member on-site to assist with checking in and adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines.
· Social distancing will be maintained while instructions are given or play is stopped temporarily. Coaches will be required to wear face masks while in the gym.
· Where practical, distance will be maintained during drills (such as multiple players waiting for their turn to participate)
· There will not be any congregating in the facility before or after an open gym, tryout or practice session.
· There will be no spectators allowed at tryouts or practices at this time.
· Athletes and coaches should bring their own water.
· Water fountains and bottle stations will not be open
· Athletes must come dressed ready to play and may only bring a water bottle into the facility. Equipment (volleyball shoes, knee pads) must be put on once players arrive at their assigned court.
· In accordance with the state-mandated order, it is mandatory that all coaches and athletes wear a mask when entering and exiting the building.
· We will have mandatory temperature checks for every athlete and coach that enters the facility.
· Any athlete or coach with a temperature of 100 degrees or more will not be permitted in the facility. We kindly ask parents to keep their child at home so we do not have to send any athlete away at the door.
· Athletes are asked to arrive no more than 15 minutes early for open gyms and practices and must be dropped off in the front of the facility.
· For tryouts, parents and athletes are encouraged to download the paperwork and complete prior to arrival to help the registration process go smoothly while we maintain social distancing.
· When arriving at the club, one door will be an ENTRANCE and another door will be an EXIT. Please follow the signs.
· We will have a staff member on-site to assist with checking in and adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines.
· Social distancing will be maintained while instructions are given or play is stopped temporarily. Coaches will be required to wear face masks while in the gym.
· Where practical, distance will be maintained during drills (such as multiple players waiting for their turn to participate)
· There will not be any congregating in the facility before or after an open gym, tryout or practice session.
· There will be no spectators allowed at tryouts or practices at this time.
· Athletes and coaches should bring their own water.
· Water fountains and bottle stations will not be open