Coach Angel Miller-EllI have many reasons why she loves to coach volleyball but I have narrowed it down to just a few of the big ones. First, I coach volleyball because it is my opportunity to help inspire kids to set goals and work hard to achieve them, as my high school and college coach did for me. Secondly, I coach to teach the fundamentals and the strategies of volleyball and, equally as important, how to be a competitor. I like to teach players how to compete with themselves and their teammates to keep getting better as they pursue their dream of playing at the next level. Finally, I love the uniqueness of this game. The mix of strategy and intelligence, power and finesse, and the use of individual skills mixed within the dynamics of the team in the pursuit of excellence.
Personal: Married 23 years to Rob Ell 2 children: Adrian and Ethan
Coaching Experience (25+ years)
Playing Experience and Awards:
OHSAA Volleyball Official
Delta High School, Delta, Ohio 1985-1988
Education and Certification: